Blast From the Past: Old Hard Drive Full of BMX

Blast From the Past: Old Hard Drive Full of BMX

Just spent a night going through some old hard drives and man do I have way too many BMX photos on there. Most of them suck too. There’s a few gems I’ll try to release here and there when I have time, but here’s a small sample of what’s on it....
Will Work for Beer: Creemore Springs Brewery Ad

Will Work for Beer: Creemore Springs Brewery Ad

I was lucky enough to work with the fine people over at Creemore Springs Brewery on their latest ad for Mountain Life Magazine. Together with Glen Harris and the creative team at Creemore we ended up focusing on Aiken Scherberger who truly is obsessed. He patiently...
Shotskis, Wish Lanterns and Straw Bale Homes

Shotskis, Wish Lanterns and Straw Bale Homes

Man, New Year’s Eve was a good time. With good peeps, a now-fully-christened shotski, some wish lanterns and an unbelievably cool  straw bale home, we said goodbye to 2011 and hello to 2012 in proper style. Thanks to our gracious hosts Cathy and Martin and to...